You’ll have to excuse the ‘in’ joke in the blog title for the month, but the photographers present at this month’s St Lucia workshop will no doubt appreciate it ;) Highlights for the group included macro opportunities in Isimangaliso Wetland Park, playing with torchlight during the painting with light session and of course...making fun of Ralph.
‘Ralph’ joined the workshop not as a photographer, but as an assistant (long suffering apparently) to his wife Julie who was keen to learn some more about digital photography. He proceeded to keep the group entertained with his images, usually of them, jokes and one-liners. Of course, the workshop was about the images though and the mix of classroom and practical shooting sessions kept everyone constantly busy (including Ralph).
Of interest to me this month was the proximaty in ages that the workshop group had. I shall bear no secrets here, but it made for an extremely jolly group that were const
antly ribbing each other and me. It certainly added to the atmosphere and ensured that we all enjoyed the experience. It’s amazing what a little - or a lot as the case may be – laughter can do.
L to R - Julie, Akshay, Lee, Kenji, Aliona and of course Ralph/Kyle
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